What courses you need to pursue to be an expert phlebotomist?

To be a phlebotomy technician, you need not be certified in it. All you would require to do is pursue training to be one.

Here are few basic courses that would be covered in the phlebotomy technician training program:

  • Medical Terminology: The basic aspects that are important to be known for being an expert phlebotomist, it’s important for a candidate to know medical terminologies. Therefore, the foremost subject that will be covered in training program is learning of medical terminologies.
  • CPR and first aid: Next thing that candidate needs to learn is the administration of CPR and first aid. This aspect will cover all the basic things that you need to know for being a professional phlebotomist.
  • Phlebotomy basics: The everyday tasks like taking of blood pressure, pulse and other vital signs; assembling of necessary equipment such as needles, cotton, tourniquet, alcohol and blood collection devices; sterilizing of equipment and updating patients’ records are the essential duties that a candidate will learn during the training program.
  • Anatomy and Physiology: Like the medical terminology course, this course is also an essential part of training program. The basic aspects about body and things associated with it are covered in this course.

Understanding the field and profession of phlebotomy

Phlebotomy is a medical term that actually means to draw blood from the veins. The experts who are trained to perform this task are called phlebotomist. They undergo training programs to become expert in collecting blood samples. This is one of the most promising professions for those who wish to be a part of medical industry but do not want to be in intensive surgical treatment.

Overview of this occupation:
These technicians are an important part of health care tams and work closely with lab staff, patients, nurses and physicians. They go through phlebotomy technician training to become expert in easily drawing blood samples from different parts of the body while making the patients feel comfortable.

Most of the times, they are responsible for taking hemoglobin test via finger-prick method, where there is no need of a needle. However, their area of responsibility and practice is not limited to just collecting samples. They are also responsible for capillary collection or venipuncture.

In addition to this, phlebotomists also often have to handle the routine lab work along with clerical duties. Other of their responsibilities may include taking bleeding time tests, specimen preparation and therapeutic phlebotomies. While conducting blood donation camps, they encourage people to donate blood. They monitor pulse rate and blood pressure during conditions like blood donation and transfusions.

Scope of employment:
Typically, one can find these medical professionals working in clinics and hospitals. They may also work in medical insurance companies and home care department, nursing homes and research institutes. Now a day most of the private labs are beginning to recruit these technicians to ease down their work.

Presently, the job prospects for this profession are immense. As per Bureau of labor statistics, this occupation is about to grow in the coming years. The reasons behind this expected growth is the introduction of newer types of medical exams and increasing population.

Although taking up courses and undergoing training program to become a phlebotomist is optional, but these days majority of employers have begun to hire only qualified candidates who hold certification or certain qualification in this field. The curriculum of training programs for this occupation includes subjects related to anatomy, lab methods and safety, cell and blood composition, physiology and the methods of drawing bloods. Training is the first step towards becoming successful in this field.

A number of vocational schools, medical colleges, institutions and community colleges provide phlebotomy technician training.